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Calendar/Important Info

CLASSES BEGIN FOR FALL:  The Tuesday, after Labor Day



September 1--1st Quarter Tuition Due

September 8, Classes Begin after Labor Day

October 18-19, UEA break

October 31, No classes

November 27-30, Thanksgiving Break

DECEMBER 1--2nd Quarter Tuition & Additional costumes due

December 17, last day of classes--end of year class showing week

December 21-Jan. 3, Christmas break

January 4, Classes resume and $10 concert fee/family due

January 18, No MONDAY CLASSES, MLK Day 

February 16, No classes, President's Day

March 1-- 3rd Quarter Tuition Due, & FALL/SUMMER REGISTRATION BEGINS

April 5-9, Spring Break

FIRST WEEK OF MAY - Spring Concert, TBD 6:30 pm 

May 17-20, Last of regular classes


DRESS CODE: FALL: Black Leotard/tights/spankies and pink ballet shoes. Barefeet or foot undies ok for jazz, but will need pink ballets for ballet with pink tights. HAIR: Put up and out of your face for class. 

ATTENDANCE: No credits will be given to classes missed for any reason, however, if a dancer wants to come to another class BEFORE April (as we'll be preparing dances for concert), one may schedule that within a month of the missing class time. Otherwise, no refunds or credits are given as tuition/registration are non-refundable. 

BRING A WATER BOTTLE & USE RESTROOM BEFORE CLASS BEGINS. There is a faucet/drinking fountain, but bringing your own water bottle is the simplest.

PARKING/DROP OFF:  As in our studio space there is no real waiting room, and for the focus of the child, please drop off the dancer to walk down the LEFT SIDE GRASS pathway on the RV side of my home. This will lead them directly to the TDP studio door where there will be cubbies to store their shoes, coats, etc. Also, to not inconvience neighbors, Draper City would prefer that if you are parking or waiting for a child, to use the driveway (left side), preferably.  If you want to watch with no children, arrangements can be made on the first class of each month. You can make monthly arrangements to watch the first class of each month with the instructor.

BILLING/FEES: I understand tuition is billed quarterly.  If I need to make monthly arrangements, I will do so. Tuition is due the 1st of each month. After the 5th, $10 late fee is added per week overdue, per child. You may mail or drop by a check, or I can pay using  Venmo to @dancersplace for free, or ask for an Intuit ACH transfer free.  I understand we are registering for the entire school year, Sept-May of that year, as others may be turned away once classes are full, &/or for the summer sessions selected. If one cancels classes after the year begins, they may simply pay the next full month of tuition as we look for a replacement, then no other classes will be charged.  Concert fee of $10/family will be charged in January.  Returned Checks $35. Checks made payable to The Dancers’ Place. Also, a full month tuition amount is due whether there is 3, 4, or 5 classes in a month. If there are only 2, only 1/2 tuition will be due.



Use our school code for discounts!

Discount Dance Supply has everything for class up to 35% off. Enter Teacher Code TP114169 

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THE DANCERS' PLACE /COPA, Draper                              801.755.3562

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